Special Portuguese Courses – What is your real need?

1. Portuguese for businessman (online, in company or at school)

BrazilLink offers Portuguese courses for professionals that have busy agendas. These courses are designed according to the professional’s needs and take place in the company where the professional works. These courses are designed for those who are in a hurry and cannot attend BrazilLink’s campus.

2. Portuguese for expatriates (online, in company or at school)

These Portuguese courses have the same content of the Course of General Portuguese, but with different duration. It is a course directed to foreigners who live or work temporarily in Salvador who need more flexible hours and an intensive learning of the Portuguese.

3. Portuguese Course for Spanish speakers

Spanish Speakers, that have a basic level of Portuguese, have at BrazilLink class that is composed of students who speak Spanish. We design a special course in which we intensify the training of pronunciation, reading and of the contrasting grammatical aspects between Portuguese and Spanish.

The proposed duration of the basic course for these students is only two weeks, aiming to solve the cultural “differences” between the targeted language and the mother language. This way, the Spanish speaker can advance faster to next level.

4. Workshop for Teachers

According to experienced mediators’ guidance in the teaching of Portuguese as a second language, BrazilLink promotes the meeting of PLE professionals, Brazilian or not, that want to dedicate themselves to this activity.

This meeting is organized twice a year, lasts two weeks and with six hours of activities.
