French and Portuguese

By: Graça Gesteira

If you are a foreigner, speak French, you are hungry in a Brazilian restaurant and you want to eat a typical dish with a very northeasterly dessert, do not be intimidated. Ask the waiter for a “purée de papate douce com filet mignon e um douce de banane ou jaque”.

If you do not eat meat, “lagouste com legumes e vinaigre” can replace the “filet”. The waiters will understand you perfectly. After all, who is the Brazilian who does not understand this French?

Thanks to the similarity between French and Portuguese, it is sometimes very easy to memorize some names of fruits, vegetables, condiments and other foods.

Beware of the genre and with the pronunciation and Bon Appétit!



Les fruits de mer Os frutos do mar Seafood
Farine de manioc Farinha de mandioca Cassava flour
La purée O purê Mashed potato
Le filet mignon Filé mignon Filet
Le miel O mel Honey
Le sel O sal Salt
Le vinaigre O vinagre Vinegar
Le salade A salada Salad
La patate douce A batata doce Sweet potato
La tomate O tomate Tomato
L’espinard O espinafre Spinach
Les fruits As frutas Fruits
La banane A banana Banana
Le cajou O caju Cashew
Le kaki O caqui Khaki
Le coco O côco Coconut
La goyave A goiaba Guava
La jaque A jaca “Jaca”
La mangue A manga Mango
Le melon O melão Melon
Le chocolate O chocolate Chocolate
Le guarana O guaraná Guarana
Le soda O refrigerante Soda
L’aperitif O aperitivo Appetizer
Le pain O pão Bread
La soupe A sopa Soup

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