
BrazilLink - Portuguese Language School CELPE-BRAS


Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros

The Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is offered by the Ministry of Education of Brazil (MEC) in partnership with the Secretary of International Relations. The Celpe-Bras exam can be taken in April and October of each year. It evaluates and certifies, in one test, Intermediate, Advanced Intermediate, Advanced and Superior Advanced levels.

The preparation courses for  Celpe-Bras are open!!

Prices of Celpe-Bras courses are HERE.

Description of the CELPE-BRAS Exam

The Celpe-bras is a communicative test which evaluates how effectively the candidate is capable of using Portuguese for day-to-day communication. Therefore, the exam is based on the concept of tasks (Tarefas) and texts (Gêneros Textuais).

To learn more about the Celpre-Bras exam and to see an example of the test given in the previous years, we suggest that you access the MEC page.

The language test consists of 2 parts: written and oral.

The written parts has 3-4 tasks:

– listening to audio and writing about the content of the audio, – watching a video and writing about the content of the video, – reading one or two articles (from newspaper, magazines, etc.) and writing about the content of the article/s.

The written part lasts 3 hours. All the texts you write by hand (which can be very difficult).

The oral part takes 20 minutes: – 5 minutes for your introduction, – 3 x 5 minutes for a “small talk” about given subjects.

The subject of the test are very various and contain a very wide vocabulary and grammar.

More information, only in Portuguese: http://portal.inep.gov.br/celpebras

Preparatory Course for Celpe-Bras

The objective of the Distance Preparatory Course Celpe-Bras, designed by professors Graça Gesteira, is to prepare the candidate for the communicative exam through simulations (activities which simulate the tasks of the exam).

Duration of the Course

We arrange the Celpe-Bras course by goals. In each course, 10 simulations will take place. We plan to complete one simulation per week, at least. New simulations will be posted only after the candidate has produced his texts and the professor has returned them with corrections.

All of the text samples necessary for the exam are carefully studied in class, very much like the interpretation of the texts and tasks on the Celpe.

Only students at the Intermediate level of proficiency can participate in the course. We – at BrazilLink – Portuguese Language School group students according to their level of knowledge. We don´t put students from different levels in the same class.


Celpe-Bras exams in Barra, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil – prepare at BrazilLink – Portuguese Language School